More Info about The Matt Lloyd Realty Team's listings:
5 Oxford Ct. Avon:
*** Back on the market due to buyer trying to renegotiate the purchase price less than 24 hours after going under contract. No inspections were preformed, just a bad buyer.***
- The sellers are not offering a specific amount towards concessions or co-broke fees, however they are open to negotiations regarding concessions or co-broke fees. Please use the GHAR form "Seller Agreement To Pay Buyer Representation Fee" form (or use this link for that specific form and enter in either the percentage or dollar amount your buyers are requesting and I will present that form with your offer.
*****Make sure your offer has “subject to probate court approval” on the contract. Seller attorney is requiring to view the contract prior to any acceptance. Attorney is anticipating probate approval in 2-3 weeks.
Condo Fee breakdown:
Condo Fee $462.37 monthly
Addition $21.58 - deck monthly
Total HOA monthly fee: $483.95
TV & Internet $51.64
Restaurant Minimum $35.00 monthly
District Quarterly tax $789.42
Farmington Woods Rules:
Condo Questions, contact Jennifer directly:
Jennifer Egan
Farmington Woods Master Association
Administration Manager
(860) 673-6193 extension 26
[email protected]
5 Oxford Ct. Avon:
*** Back on the market due to buyer trying to renegotiate the purchase price less than 24 hours after going under contract. No inspections were preformed, just a bad buyer.***
- The sellers are not offering a specific amount towards concessions or co-broke fees, however they are open to negotiations regarding concessions or co-broke fees. Please use the GHAR form "Seller Agreement To Pay Buyer Representation Fee" form (or use this link for that specific form and enter in either the percentage or dollar amount your buyers are requesting and I will present that form with your offer.
*****Make sure your offer has “subject to probate court approval” on the contract. Seller attorney is requiring to view the contract prior to any acceptance. Attorney is anticipating probate approval in 2-3 weeks.
Condo Fee breakdown:
Condo Fee $462.37 monthly
Addition $21.58 - deck monthly
Total HOA monthly fee: $483.95
TV & Internet $51.64
Restaurant Minimum $35.00 monthly
District Quarterly tax $789.42
Farmington Woods Rules:
Condo Questions, contact Jennifer directly:
Jennifer Egan
Farmington Woods Master Association
Administration Manager
(860) 673-6193 extension 26
[email protected]