Hussein Shamsher ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I’ve been using Matt’s services for a few years now. He is the best realtor in the CT area in my opinion! Matt is honest to a fault, a man of his word, extremely quick and clear with his communication and he will tell it to you like it is even when he knows you might not like what you hear. He has amazing knowledge of the local area, homes in general and offers really good advice and insight which we found incredibly helpful during our recent home purchase - especially in a crazy market like this! He also has a wonderful network of local business referrals that we used during the buying process and will continue to use going forward. Oh - and he is funny …. really funny and great fun to work with! Like he always says - laughs are for free 😀. If you need a realtor don’t think twice and call him!
Paul Hebert and Lisa Bonner ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We highly recommend Matt Lloyd. He is truly an excellent real estate agent in the West Hartford, CT area. Matt helped us both buy and sell homes over a three-week period. Matt’s strong communication skills, attention to detail, deep agent experience and savvy problem-solving skills make him a standout agent. Matt took the time to truly listen to our needs, understand our budget and helped us lay out a strategy. Matt’s keen understanding of the local market and strong working relationships with other agents helped us win a bid on a new home in a very competitive market. Next, we talked through the steps to put our West Hartford townhouse on the market. His photographer compiled an outstanding set of photos that brought out the unique beauty of our home and we quickly put it on the market. We were extremely pleased to receive multiple, over-asking, offers within four days! Matt delivers personalized customer service and helped us navigate through multiple